Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Lumbini :)

hehehe, sebenarnya foto-foto ini diambil pada 23 Oktober 2011.
Pada hari itu, ada tiga pemuda dan pemudi galau yang melakukan perjalanan.
And here they go...
*a bit of silly tough. uhuk.

taman lumbini sebenernya adalah tempat ibadah untuk umat Budha, tapi dalam keadaan galau, semua Tuhan itu sama. Hahahahaha. Actually, i am a person who believe that there are so many way to reach God. The ways called religion. Religion is a way of life. and nothing you can do to someone's way of life. Religion, should be the very basic thing that people actually have to respect as a very private thing.
so, here was the bell that people say it can makes your wish come true.

i didnt pray anything that time. coz for me, being gratefull is all you need to be happy. and happiness is all you need, all i need. RIGHT? behind the bell? um, itu jin penunggu Taman Lumbini. hohohohoho. Nope! that's my buddy.

taman Lumbini berlokasi di Sumatera Utara, tepatnya di desa Tongkoh, Kabupaten Karo. Untuk masuk ke Pagoda Emas ini, ternyata free of charge. Adakah tempat yang lebih asik daripada tempat gratisan? nyahahahahahha... Again, the guy behind me. His name is Iskandar. A guy of silliness.

Please dont mind the picture's quality. i know it's bad. we took it by celular phone. Ini adalah formasi lengkap pasukan galau. (Dari Kiri ke Kanan----> Kartika Ayu my beloved mate, Iskandar and yes, Thats the cuty me! ahahahahaha. hasek.

 we stood in front of a big candle. u can see it right? that's where people kneeling and pray. deep in my heart, i do pray. Berdoa supaya kekerenan saya tidak berkurang satu persen pun hahahahahaha

hahahaha, betapa fashionless-nya saya. Ga papa lah. yang penting pake baju. :)

TQ= ????????

yang bilang saya tidak imut, mungkin matanya harus dioperasi. :P

let the bell rings so wrong... hahahahah

that's a wrap everybodeeeeeeeeeeh.

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