Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Dumb Numb

It feels like a time wrap. Everything moves so fast and slow at the same time. I live my past four month slowly. But those four months flied so fast. On those four month I've been doing what I like. Watching movies, read, write, playing with the babies and kids, also cats. Dancing India sometimes. That's what I call a beautiful life.

But, reality always hit me right on my face. I graduated my Diploma in 2011. I should work. And writing is not a job. Not for me right now.

And something is weird. Lately, no matter how much difficulties appear, I dont feel like crying anymore. May be I am numb or just dumb. Or whatever-the fuck.

So I'm gonna make it. Someday, people will pay me a good price for writing, reading and watching.

What dafuq did I write?

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