Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011

What A Day!

Actually I did nothing today. But it feels like doing hardest part of my life. I just stayed at my room, ate snack, watched, read, slept... But my heart did a really hard job. I dont know what is exactly made me feel bad.May be, first of all, my boyfriend did not answer my call. NOT EVEN ONE FROM NINE CALLS! I dont know what he's doing. I dont know what he's thinking about. And sometimes, I feel like I dont know who he is. *sigh.

The second one is I dont like my brother's wedding. It will come really soon, in a couple of months. I was like.... bro, what you have given to mom? What have you given to dad? They gave soooooo many things for you.I mean, have you really made them happy? Cant you just wait, until you can buy mom a washing machine that she wants so bad? Can you just wait until you can buy dad a new cell phone? I know you are financially able to do that. but can you just wait until you are mature enough to DO that? and the biggest question, 'WHAT HAVE YOU GIVEN TO ME AS YOUR YOUNGEST SISTER?!" I have been fighting on my own, on my own money this far. I can earn money. But where are you? where are the sense of loving your sister?

The third is, I dont know, I feel like im lost. This is not me. Im not this fragile before. May be my boyfriend is right. I am too much childish. but im not used to be. what changes me?

The last, my partner in crime is fired out from the company. I dont blame anyone. But It's just shit! I love hanging around with her! I love talking with her! I love sharing with her! eerrggggghhhhhh.

But thank God, a great rain fell down this afternoon. Oooow peaceful.

and I hope, tomorrow, I will not wake up with the same shit.

Oh, sorry, am I complaining?
Err, wait. this is my personal blog, is not it?

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