Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Garlic Dream

I got a toothache. Then I remembered mommy sayings that garlic is good for it. So i crushed a garlic then i put it on a little bundle of cotton. I felt better then I slept.

Then I got a beautiful dream. A really beautiful one.
I was in the land of nowhere.
The sky was so blue, prettiest blue i ever seen.
I got a cute cat following my steps.
I saw a huge, old and peaceful library.
Got a sweet man in front of  me, i dont know him.
met my mother's big family.
got a comfortable bed
saw a movie-making process by my favorite director.
felt as cold as i was in Cibodas
somehow it felt like Cibodas, but i think Cibodas's sky is not that pretty.

is that the effect of garlic?
then i will consume garlic every night before i sleep.

coz sweet dreams come rarely recently.

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Dear Pandji Pragiwaksono

yeah, I know cannabis can give a lotta benefits, as you say. But a man said "I love you" to me when he was on cannabis. I thought, as you do, people are more honest when they're on drugs or sumthing. But now that i know that it is not; "FUCK YOU AND ALL YOUR THOUGHTS BOUT CANNABIS!"


Hei, Operkulektomi!
Selamat datang di hidupku!
Kenapa sih kamu baru menunjukkan tanda-tanda setelah aku di Jakarta?
dan sekarang karena kamu sepertinya aku harus balik ke Kabanjahe.

Kau pikir duit ayahku melimpah apa?!

rasanya sebentar lagi aku akan membuat orang tuaku bangga di hari wisudaku.

tapi karena kamu!
aku lagi-lagi harus jadi anak yang merepotkan!


Jumat, 02 Desember 2011


Aku ingin menghabiskan hidupku di atas sepeda

tentu kau tak ingat

tapi aku mengingat ini sambil menaham sesak

bahwa aku ingin menghabiskan hidupku di atas sepeda

seperti saat aku berada di boncenganmu

hampir tengah malam

membelah sawah-sawah dan langit malam Klaten

sambil memeluk pinggangmu dan menempelkan wajahku di punggungmu yang keras itu.

tahukah kamu

aku ingin menghabiskan hidupku

kemanapun kau bawa

dalam boncenganmu
