Sabtu, 19 September 2015

Aiyo, Old Dream!

Aiyo, old dream! You're still here? I thought I have given up on you. Why wouldn't you leave?

Aiyo, old dream. I still remember how my palms sweat when I got into that room. I felt hot and cold at the same time inside. I remember how I lied to that eye-glassed lady. I told her that someone was there to pay everything. In fact, I got no one that day. I was all on my own. I lied to everyone. I took every single penny out of my piggy bank and bank account. And I did that only to taste a very small bit of you, old dream.

I was flat broken that day. Mentally and financially. And I got no one on my back. I was all alone. It was so beautiful yet so painful. That day, I saw myself falling apart but not you, old dream. You stood still there; beautifully, gracefully.

I thought I have given everything for you. Those sleepless night, those tears, those day full of hopes, those teenage days, those miles, those homesickness. I run to you. I run so much that I was too tired to run. Then I walked. I walked so much that I was too tired to walk. Then I crawled. I crawled so much that I was too tired to crawl, that I lost my legs. But you stood still there; beautifully, gracefully.

That day I decided to stop running to you. I decided to change my direction, heal my wound and go somewhere else.

But today I find you here. Standing still; beautifully, gracefully.

Aiyo, old dream, why are you still here?