Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Terrible Little Things That We Do

This thought always appears in my mind; we are human, we are the scariest creature that God ever create. You know, you can see it on TV, human can do cruel things that evil even could not do. What's the worst thing an evil does? Betraying God? Scares kids? What? But you can see what human can do. Human rape, human kill in worse way than animal do it, human betray God worse than devil did, human LIE.

Well, I do believe and see the good people around me. As my religion teacher when I was in junior high school told me; "Human can be worse than devil and can be better than angle." I dont want to be devil. But I dont want to be angel too. angel is too perfect. I just wanna be human. The real human. making good things, having good dreams, having bad things and sometimes create mess. :)

well, I think awareness is one of the most important part of human. Do we aware about everything we do? Do we ever think that a little thing we do, a single word we say may creates a bad effect to another?

  • when you say, "I'll call you later!" and end it up with no calls?
  • when you say something that you are not sure about it while another hopes that what you say is truly happens?
  • when you promising something and you think it is not a big deal to do and you end it up with doing nothing?
  • When you ignoring do something simple while someone's life is lying on that thing?
  • When you act as if your shit is the biggest and you yell at someone who is actually has bigger shit that yours?
  • when you waste a chance coz you think you can get it anytime you want while another waiting for that chance for years?
those things above are simple. And they simply hurt.
I dont want to be devil. I dont want to be angel. But I will keep my self from doing those things.